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Convenient & Affordable Spaying & Neutering Services

Take advantage of the quick and affordable spay and neuter services at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital. Available for both cats and dogs, our spay and neuter clinic will have your beloved pet in and out in under 24 hours in most cases. After dropping your animal off, we’ll perform the procedure and you can take your animal home in the next afternoon. We’ll even set you up with a prescription for pain medication.

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Save money on care and medical costs by taking advantage of Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital’s spay and neuter services. The cost of your pet's procedure is much lower than the cost of having and caring for a litter or for treating potential cancer.

Protect the hygiene of your home through our spay and neuter clinic. Spaying and neutering prevents your female from going into heat and your male from marking your home, keeping unwanted urination to a minimum. 

Fight pet overpopulation through spaying and neutering. Every year, millions of pets of all ages and breeds are left as strays from unplanned litters that could have been prevented by utilizing spay and neuter procedures. 

Shepard Dog with Owner

A Wide Range of Benefits

Protect your pet’s health and save yourself the trouble of unwanted reproduction with spay and neuter services. Whether you have a male or female cat or dog, there are many health benefits. Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which are fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Neutering, besides preventing unwanted new pets, also prevents testicular cancer and will make your pet better behaved. 

Arrange your spay and neuter procedures at Alexandria Pike Animal Hospital by calling today.

(859) 781-1800
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